We have spent the morning editing the photos for the book. Up Inc—the brand communications firm run a very low paper consumption office. But the fastest way to edit photos is still with small prints laid out in a row's in a big space.
And its tons of fun, swapping matching and watching the way the photo story and tone changes with each different image and order.
I also had a chance to play with the beta version of the i Pad app for the 0 to 100 project.
OH MY it is amazing its nothing like a book and nothing like a movie its a whole new way of looking at photo's. The interviews are linked to the images so you can tap and watch each person talking, the order and text can be accessed from diffrent directions and you can mix and match the faces like a kids flip book.
When we launch the book ( Feb 2011 ) you will be able to access the app 0 to 100 via i tunes.
Links will be posted here and yes it will be free.