We have been photographing older people this weekend filling in the gaps in our wish list for the 60 70 and 80 year olds.
Max Gordon who at 91 is the oldest person we have photographed for the project came to the studio with his wife Anne (88) and they are were huge inspiration. Max is totally switched on and a busy guy I think this is how you get to live to be 91. Don't stop moving.
Andrew Easson and Stacy Branford have kindly lent us their space to shoot in at 9 Davies Ave. It has been great--more grip equipment than you can poke a stick at here.
As usual Andrew has made our shoot simple and hassle free.
Check out www.cmandp.com for all your production needs
The interviews of the older subjects have been amazing.
A 88 year old woman said "The best part of being 88 ? I don't give a shit what anyone thinks any more I just do what I want."
A 50 year old man said "Now I am 50 my parents can't tell me what to do any more."
This is a contrast to the 4 year olds who go blank when I ask them "What will you do when you are old?"
Thanks again to Steve Milo of Milo Casting for finding most of our older subjects for this shoot.
And Walter Branko of B3K digital for the great deal on the p65 and Capture One advice and support www.b3kdigital.com