I have started a new project photographing 100 people from age 0 to 100 years old.
Its a simple idea and like all simple ideas needs a team of people to make happen
The project began with a Rich Pauptit the owner from Flash lithography and Carey George the Creative Director of Up Inc. They were looking for images that would show off a new binding process that allows photos to be printed and bound back to back with no gutter in the center of the page. The pages open up completely flat.
Rich is using the images to print a book with fold running right through the face of each person. This would be crazy with standard binding.
www.flashreproductions.comCarey the creative director at Up Inc—the brand communications firm has a layout idea as simple as the concept ......Page 0 is year 0 year old and page 100.... yep 100 years old
www.upinc.caWe have had a bunch of project partners who have come together to make this happen and I am excited by everyone's input.
S2 studios in Sydney has provided a place for our 2 Australia shoots. It is a great rental studio in the heart of Sydney fully equipped and easy for everyone to get to. We will also be showing the photos at the studio later this year.
www.s2.net.auAdam and Kirsten from Six Wolves production have coordinated the people to photograph, one every 15 mins from 8am till 6 pm (40 shots in the day). Justin Russell has been my fabulous assistant.
www.sixwolves.comL&P Photo have lent us the P65 phase camera with the new 150 f2.8 lens to shoot it on. This camera has a huge chip and the new F2.8 150 mm lens. This makes super sharp image with a super low depth of field. Its like shooting on 8 by 10 film and is tons of fun.
http://www.lapfoto.com.au/products_view.cfm?ProductID=267I am also filming and interviewing each person to make a little web clip about aging. Check back here in a few weeks for a sample.