Beyond Sacred: Recent painting from Australia's remote Aboriginal communities, The collection of Colin and Elizabeth Laverty. Published by Hardie Grant Books.
Jane Kleimeyer was the creator of the project. It is a fantastic book showing the Laverty's art collection. Jane used photos of landscapes to break up each section of Artist instead of maps or big headlines. This book is simple and clever and all about country and its 30,000 year old tradition of modern abstract painting.
Two of my images (landscapes shown above) are included in the book, both were taken on a trip to shoot stills on a Hertz commercial in 1995 with Liz Montgomery, Ben Colson and Ant Keogh and the team from Mojo at that time. We were on location outside of Alice Springs. After we had wrapped shooting I rented a plane and pilot to take me up over the desert in the early morning light.