Thursday, July 28, 2011
Night Swimming for The Grid
I arrived at the pool at 12pm just as a couple was climbing out, I introduced my self and explained what the plan was and away we went back over the fence and into the pool...
A little while later 3 young men turned up jumped the fence and jumped into the pool for some drunken men's Syncro swimming.Then another group and so on, till we had 10 or 12 people around the pool there was quite a party feel at the pool. The air was still and hot. Then back over the fence in soggy undies more torn pants scratches and cursing off into the night.
The pool was quite by 2 am.’s-up-for-a-midnight-swim/
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Zaun and Davidi Rogers ID's
Jays promo Greg Zaun from sandy nicholson on Vimeo.
Jays Shi Davidi Promo 10sec from sandy nicholson on Vimeo.
Greg Zaun has to be the best dress man to walk on to my set with out a stylists help, the way he is filmed is the way he turned up. Also sporting a very fine world series ring, baseball bling. These spots are now running on TV.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Bees for The Grid
Monday, May 30, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Zoomer magazine 0 to 100
Thursday, May 12, 2011
The Grid photos: Paper Negs

Last night Eye magazine was relaunched as The Grid and it looks great funny smart and free.
For the launch The Grid gave 6 of its new boxes out to creatives of Toronto with the direction " make something / anything with this box "
I took an angle grinder to my box and cut a hole in the back side for a lens and made it into a giant view camera. I used photo paper instead of film as the negatives then photographed the Grid team with it. Each subject sat in the dark while I loaded photo paper into the back of the camera then made the exposure. A huge flash in the dark. The Negatives were then processed and contacted printed and bound it a book 16 by 20 inches in size. The first photographs ever made by Fox Talbot were made this way. The low depth of field and the very formal process of sitting still makes taking the photograph an event and creates a unique look.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Brady and Lang fan 590
Brady and Lang Fan 590 from sandy nicholson on Vimeo.
Shot for Rogers Sportnet , Motion and stills, A very quick shoot 1 hour total for both motion and stills.
Its great working on this series it's a playful and simple idea which makes directing the talent a lot of fun. Bouncing ideas around with Jim and Greg created good footage for Garus and his team at Meru Media Inc to create the Type treatment.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Toronto Life Sipper Club out now

We could not have all the subjects in the studio at the same time so the group shot was shot in sections.
Each talent brought a bottle of wine to the shoot to talk about with the writer. They left them on the table then headed off. Its was a little like the start of a party I was thinking mmmm this could be fun maybe they will open them and we can have a tasting when we are wrapped.....
Will Predhomme turned up for his shot and pointed out that the bottles the other guys brought were in the $500.00 and up price range wine. We had a $ 6000.00 mixed case of wine at the end of the day to return. No sampling of those treasures.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
0 to 100 Project oldest Critic

Today Nanny (Marguerite Davis) came down to Angell Gallery she is 100 and is the last page of the book show and App. She came with her sons and Janet Davis who is also in the show. Marguerite is and insperation, moblie still very with it and has great eye site. She is also recently a Great Grandma, she needed 18 posters for her Grand and Great Grand children. On the way out of the gallery she took a moment to sign some posters for me and other gallery goers.
Thanks Maguerite
Saturday, March 26, 2011
0 to 100 Free i Pad App now on i Tunes
0 to 100 i Pad App Demo Short from sandy nicholson on Vimeo.
The 0 to 100 App is now up on i tunes. The reception for the App has been great it has a 5 star rating. Its free so if you would like to check it out you can download it from the link below.
The App was created by Kristin Maling and the Up Inc digital team
Here are some of the reviews
"Pure genius. What an amazing study of the human condition. Very life affirming thank you" Finnie la
"Fascinating in site to aging. Really enjoyed the video content.Lots of fun with the face mixing. Great app!" Furniturepimp
Friday, March 25, 2011
0 to 100 Opening Toronto

It was a great night at Angell Gallery. Lots of people of every age came out to see the book prints and App for the first time. Wine snacks and Juice boxes, thanks so much to everyone who helped make the project happen. 100 prints 400 magnets lots of i Pads and books hot off the binding press. The books have been printed by and bound by
Thursday, March 24, 2011
0 to 100 poster on street

The opening of the 0 to 100 show is tonight from 6 till 9 Angell Gallery 12 Ossinton Ave Toronto and posters have turned up around the gallery on Ossington Ave and Queen street. (Thank you Phantom poster fairy)
The o to 100 web site created the brand communications firm Up Inc is now live and has a flash flip book
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Fan 590 TV Spot
Bob McCown TV Spot from sandy nicholson on Vimeo.
Just finished and on air now is the now TV spot for Bob McCown Toronto based sports caster. We shot the print and motion over a few days with a small crew under the creative direction of Dean Bender. As always it was a stack of fun, Directing people for motion is just a simple step away from the process of story telling in stills.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
0 to 100 Exhibit March 24th

Age is only a number. The Party
0 to 100 A photographic experiment in print and digital form
Experience the ultimate life story. Join photographer Sandy Nicholson for the launch of 0 to 100—a photography exhibit, a book and an interactive i Pad app—featuring portraits that chronicle the beauty of every age, from mere weeks to a full century old.
6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Thursday, March 24, 2011
Angell Gallery
12 Ossington Avenue Gallery Hours: 12 - 5pm.
Exhibition runs until Sunday, March 27, 2011.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
0 to 100 Printed at Flash

The 0 to 100 the book is now printed.
Rich Paputit and his team at Flash printing and have done a amazing job. The pages have been printed at a 290 line screen and with a metallic ink for the backgrounds.
Doug Laxdal of the Gas Company created the Ink and separations.
Huge Paper Nice Matt is the paper we are printing on its making the skin tones in all the faces look great.
I'm feeling very spoiled being able to work with the people who make the ink and print the job and to be able to go to the press check opposed to sending the files to China and hoping for the best.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Pest Work By Amy Swartz 01

I have just photographed Amy Swartz's stunning new work "Pest". I love insect collections, they are like photographic collections--the thousands of little special things.
There are four boxes now in her set. Amy modifies each delicate insect, mixing heads arms and legs from tiny toys and action figures onto the bodies of the insects and then she arranges into individual or group pieces, some with subtle 'narratives', others plainly beautiful or whimsical.
In the piece show here, at first glance they look like museum boxes then as you get closer you see they are crowds of insects with human heads.
The insects in this post are inspired by a photo of crowds in Tahir Square, Egypt.
If you would like more information about the work Amy can be contacted at