
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

0 to 100 project now up on

I have started to post the edit of 0 to 100 on

This is a first draft not the final edit so if you are part of the project and cant see your self dont panic. The Book designers ( up inc ) will be doing their magic edit when we have hit the 100 mark.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

0 to 100 project

We are almost finished photographing people from 0 to 34. With the help from Steve Milo and Milo casting in Toronto.

The Up Inc—the brand communications firm have announced they are going to make a I phone app with the photos. the app will work like a the kids flip book's or police ID kits with the eyes nose and lips sliding left to right.

We need help with people ages 60 to 100, if you have family in Toronto who would like to be part of the project I would love to hear from you please email me and I will send out the details.